Design Diary
This top down, triangle shaped shawl uses simple lace and introductory mosaic stitches to create waves and pebbles mimicking the creeks we played in as care free children. The best part? You don’t have to purl a stitch!
This pattern is sold using the Pay What Works Model of Pricing. When considering the expense and labor the I put into a pattern or class, the value is set at the price I believe them to be worth. At the same time, I recognize and respect economic differences and believe that they should not hinder creativity. Discount codes offering 15% and 30% off the pattern price are available to newsletter subscribers and are linked in every newsletter. Sign up for the SDK newsletter HERE to receive instructions. Already on the list? The instructions go out in every email ;)
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Becky Creek Shawl is a perfect opportunity to pair that hand painted variegated yarn that brings us such joy in the hank with a more tonal or solid yarn to ground the color changes. Be sure to use two yarns that are different in tone or depth of color to really make those pebbles pop. I have so many beautiful skeins of hand dyed yarn. The colors play together in the hank so harmoniously but when knit them they pool. And I’m not always here for it. Pooling is when color continues to end up next to itself in the following rows/rounds creating a “pool” of that color. It can be a splotch or it can zig and zag around my project. Sometimes this is amazing and wonderful and sometimes… it is not 😂 And so because gambling stresses me out, I only play dreidel for chocolate chips. But also those beautiful skeins of hand dyed yarn lay in my stash staring longingly up at me and I do not knit them. Something I would like to focus on more in my upcoming patterns is how to put those beauties to use while avoiding the potential pooling gamble. The answer I have found lies in pairing a speckled or high key variegated yarn with a more tonal or even solid yarn in a pattern of stripes and/or color work. I feel I achieved that goal with The Beckley Creek Shawl and am inspired to explore this concept more in upcoming patterns.

When choosing yarn for the Beckley Creek Shawl, I went right to the shelves of Malabrigo Sock and Madeline Tosh, Tosh Merino Lite at my favorite LYS, Acorn Street Shop in Seattle. I knew I could trust both companies to be affordable, accessible and to have fantastic combinations of speckles or variegated, hand painted yarn to pare with more tonal or simi solid yarns. I worked my first sample up in Malabrigo Sock MC Myths (because I saw sand and earth in that hank) and CC of Aguas (because obvs, water!).

To the people who remind us to go with the flow; to those who have the perfect snarky comment exactly when its needed; to the folx whose arms and hearts are always open; to the amazing humans who can take a tumble over the rocks, cast on another project and keep heading down stream: The Beckley Creek Shawl pattern is for you.
~May you float over the rough spots in the stream just as you support others whose boat is feeling tipsy~
Check out these projects by the SDK Testing Team!

Cindi used Pada Yarns from and made the large size.
Check out Cindi's Ravelry Project HERE
Check out Cindi's Instagram Grid @CindiSurovi

Patty used KnitPicks Hawthorn and a local Main Yarn made the Large size.
You can check out Patty's Instagram grid @Pmombomb

Rebecca used YarnBee Authentic Hand Dyed Yarn to make the Large size.
You can check out Rebecca's Ravelry Project HERE
You can check out Rebecca's Instagram grid @LPWritesAndStuff

Rebecca is one of those amazing and inspiring testers who simply had to cast on another. Her second Beckley creek is the Small size and she Threads By Megan Nicole.
You can check out Rebecca's Ravelry Project HERE

Michael used his own hand dyed yarn, Michael Shawn Yarn, and Capella Luna Fibers to make the Small Size.
You can see Michael's Ravelry Project HERE
You can follow Michael on Instagram @Michaelshauun

For my Large size Beckley Creek Shawl I used Malabrigo Sock.
You can see my Ravelry Project HERE

My first Beckley Creek Shawl was also knit in Malabrigo Sock and was the Small Size.
You can see the Ravelry Project HERE.

I simply HAD to make a Beckley Creek with Michael Shawn Yarn too!
You can see this Ravelry Project HERE